Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Help With Gum Disease?
20th / June / 2017
Hormone replacement therapy has been developed to help women manage the symptoms of menopause, but according to recent studies, it appears that HRT could also contribute to a better dental health.
Key takeaways:
- Changes in estrogen levels (which are characteristic of menopause) entail a higher risk of gum disease, inflammation, and tooth loss
- The study found that one in four post-menopausal women lost one or more of their teeth within five years
- Women taking hormone replacement therapy were less likely to experience gum disease, and some even reported an improvement in their symptoms and overall gum health
Whether you are taking HRT or not, it’s important to look after your smile by maintaining good dental hygiene practices and reporting any problems to your dentist as soon as the first symptoms appear.
Read the full story here:
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