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Dealing With Being Genetically Scared Of The Dentist

7th / June / 2017

Dental phobia is a condition that makes its victims so scared of the dentist that they often withstand gruesome toothaches instead of booking an appointment.

According to research, the dental clinic’s environment and genetics are its main causes. Here is a guide on dentist phobia and complications it could cause that will ruin your smile.

Key takeaways:

  • Reliable statistics show that about 10 to 20 percent of adults are scared of the dentist.
  • Avoiding the dentist can result in more serious diseases like diabetes, dementia, heart disease and cavities.
  • The dental-care phobia can be reduced by dentists making the clinic more friendly and relaxing through art and music.

Self-care helps to reduce the need for excess dentist visits. If you are scared of the dentist, eat healthy, regularly brush and floss your teeth and use natural remedies like coconut oil and baking soda to remove toxins from your mouth.

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