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Dermal Fillers

10th / October / 2018

Ever feel like your face needs a refresh? There are endless foundations and concealers on the market, but why not try something a little more permanent?

Dermal Fillers have an array of benefits for you and your skin, so here’s just a few that come to mind:

Recovery time

They can be done in approximately 10 minutes, which is ideal for those on a busy schedule. As soon as the fillers have been injected you don’t have to wait to reap the benefits, the fillers provide you with an instant glow. Please note, recovery time can vary patient to patient.

Long lasting results

Although a top-up is needed from time to time, dermal fillers usually last around half a year, so you don’t have to worry about frequent visits to our clinic. They are also extremely low maintenance, leaving you feeling carefree and full of confidence.

Subtle benefits

When discussing facial aesthetics, many fear a complete transformation and worry about looking like a completely different person. With dermal fillers, most people don’t realise you’ve had treatment, instead, you simply heighten your current features making you appear healthier and happier.

Confidence boost

Dermal fillers are a great way to restore confidence and rejuvenate your skin. With your face being the first thing people encounter, it’s important you’re happy in your appearance. Dermal fillers redefine facial contours and smooth out wrinkles and lines, leaving you a lot happier with your appearance.

We provide top quality dermal fillers at our private dentist in Brough. For more information feel free to browse our website or give us a call, we’re more than happy to help. 01482 666 635.

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